REd menace (2nd edition) - soot removal
NOTE: These instructions apply only to the 2nd Edition of Red Menace from The Game Crafter. These counters have a UV-coating. For other games with laser-cut counters, please ask the publisher the best way to remove soot.
The laser-cutting process will leave a soot residue around the edges of the counters.
Here are some tips for making the cleaning process easier:
Items Needed:
Soft cloth/towel is preferred. Paper towel will work but isn't recommended.
A spray bottle with Isopropyl Alcohol (aka rubbing alcohol) is preferred but water will work as well. Rubbing alcohol does a better job at removing soot and scorch marks (if any), plus it will evaporate quickly and not leave the counter wet for long. Walgreens (in U.S.) sells 91% alcohol in a spray bottle but any empty spray bottle may be used with rubbing alcohol. Set the nozzle to mist, not a stream.
1. Clean Counter Sheet Edges: after removing the counter sheets from the bag, stack them together and wipe all of the edges.
The towel may be dry but a light spray of rubbing alcohol on the towel will make removing the soot easier. After this step, wash hands before proceeding to step 2.
2. Clean Front & Back: before punching any counters, spray a clean area of the towel (single spray/light mist only) and gently wipe the front and back of each counter sheet.

If using rubbing alcohol, the edges of each counter will appear wet, but will evaporate within a couple of minutes. If using water, be sure to dry off both sides of the counter sheet before moving to the next step.
Below are samples of before and after cleaning the counter sheets for the front and back.



3. Punch & Clean Counter Edges: punch one or more counters.
Lay the towel on a flat surface.
Spray a clean area of the towel (single spray/light mist only).
With a counter in hand, drag one of the edges across the sprayed area until the soot is removed.
Rotate the counter and repeat until all edges are clean.
Repeat this process on a clean area of the towel for each counter. If using water, be sure the counter edges are dry to avoid warping.